superheroes, tiny human parasites, and an owl-moth, also sex


dream green arrow wingsI was Green Arrow. I had learned – from reading a comic book actually – that Superman was unknowingly host to a civilization of tiny people who found a way of surviving in his body. I feel like they were probably Kryptonians (from Kandor?). So my sidekick – I don’t even remember who my sidekick was – is scaling the side of an apartment skyscraper and I remember thinking “what an idiotic way to get inside a building”. And really, it is. There’s plenty of ways you could sneak into a building that are a thousand times safer, or you could scale the building on the outside in plain view of the world and be easily spotted (including by someone inside the actual building). Plus, it would take for damn ever, and you’d be too tired for superhero business when you finally got to the right floor.

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a vampire and an artist


There is a vampire and a man in a mansion or castle. The man is an artist.

The dream was about confronting evil, and fighting it. The man becomes a slave of the vampire, is controlled by him. His mind degrades and his journals become less and less coherent. His art becomes more like stock art, collage from reused items. I think he becomes anorexic at this point. Continue reading

futuristic pens and ghostly pencils


I was in school. It was actually a school that I’m starting to realize has featured prominently in several of my dreams, yet it doesn’t exist, and I cannot think of any possible basis that may have inspired it. I’ll call it the Windowless Classroom School. It is characterized by classrooms in a probably-upstairs hall who’s chalkboards/teacher’s area faces the door, and the door is exactly in the centre of the room. The classrooms are not lit as brightly as they usually are, and there are no windows. The walls are not white as they usually are – if I had to define them, I’d say they were either wood panelled, particle board, or panels of those hole-y wood stuff often used in garages and workshops to affix things to hooks. They generally have a workshop feel to them. The rooms feel comfortable, despite the fact that I almost never enjoy these dreams. The floor plan most resembles OTHS, where I spent my final year of HS, but only just vaguely and possibly merely coincidentally. Continue reading