being Japanese, catching a serial killer


I was a teenager going to a Japanese highschool. Aside from being populated by Japanese people, and being vaguely foreign, it wasn’t much different from American highschools.

One of our assignments was in game design. It had been assigned by what I believe was a French teacher, so I didn’t expect that the game I made had to be any good. I was expected to make a game in HTML5, but since I didn’t know how to do that and left it to the last minute, I instead plotted to use the teacher’s naivete to use some pre-made template game, customize it with graphics, and then hand it in. Continue reading

mutant cyborg bully revenge


This dream had me drifting back and forth between sleep and semi-consciousness, so the lines between dream and daydream are blurred. Principally it was about me being a person in a highschool. My goal was to impress the girls, and I did this by challenging this bully (resembled a composite of two muscle-y jerks I went to HS with) to a fight one time when he picked on me. I did this at some sort of assembly/workshop thing and had shouted it across a crowded room at him, so everyone knew. There was some confusion over weather we’d fight right away or after school. It would be decided that after school made sense. (At this point he seemed to consider me an equal. The tone of our relationship changed entirely.) Continue reading

nuclear vampire apocalypse


I was in some research facility underground. It seemed to be both military (lots of security) and university (lots of students). The lights flickered out at some point. Creatures that fed on human blood (which I never actually saw) had escaped their holding tanks and were pursuing. There was just a mass panic of screaming and crowds rushing in all directions.  Continue reading

the devil child must be contained for all eternity


I was a boy wizard going to a wizard school. The dream was certainly Harry Potter inspired, but the school and its staff more resembled schools from my life and from other fiction than from the HP universe.

I was accused of a particular crime by a faculty member that I never knew what it was. It was a crime so severe, and the accusing authority was so trusted, that my fate to be punished for it was absolute. Nobody believed in my innocence, including my (not IRL) parents, who were part of the process for conditioning me for my punishment. I got this sense that my crime was not one of doing but one of being – like perhaps I was discovered to be the reincarnation of some evil demon or whatever.

People pitied me more than anything. They did not hate me, but I could not run free, and while my parents and others empathized, they were certain of my guilt and would not allow me to roam freely.

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a convoluted scheme, purpose unknown


I was a college student, or possibly a high school student, yet I had the beard that I currently have, which I had never been able to grow at those times. The dream involved some kind of extremely convoluted scheme by my sister NB and myself. I don’t remember the specifics of the plot, or even what we were trying to accomplish, just scraps of the plan and our research/rehearsals of it. They were: Continue reading

raised for war


I lived in some sort of dystopia where I was part of a program to train youth to be killers and soldiers. Our class comprised of maybe a hundred students, and we were divided into three armies and made to compete with each other on these big indoor fields that simulated various outdoor environments. Some events were races to acquire resources before other teams, others were outright combat. Sometimes the fields were combined into one massive field for mock wars. I seem to think that almost anything was allowed, and not everything on the field was supervised or documented, just results. In this way, students were free to employ whatever methods they saw fit without fear of repercussion. Continue reading

arranged marriage


Outside of a school, where kids slid up and down these ramps somehow and had lots of fun. I joined them for a bit. I knew some people who were telling me that their teenage daughter was going to marry some older guy. It was a marriage they had arranged for her – they were part of some sort of modern religion that allowed that sort of thing. The guy had apparently showed up in their community and not long after had asked them if he could marry their daughter. He was a sort of tough biker type guy, but friendly and nice. Continue reading

horrific horny hags, government coverups (literally), a slave rebellion on a dystopic offshore oil rig based micronation, and human-cookie transmutation

hag what wants to rape me

I was on a field trip with a class. I feel like we were probably in elementary school, at the boarding school I used to attend in England. It was in the middle of the night, and we were traversing a labyrinth of urban decay before arriving at a sort of mansion hotel surrounded by a sort of ravine. This is where we were staying. On the way, we encountered a frightening hag-like creature, suggestive of an old lady but clearly neither human nor genuinely alive. After giving us a scare, she was nowhere to be seen. We asked the woman who ran the mansion hotel about this creature. She confirmed that the thing came into the hotel all the time, and that it wasn’t very strong, but if you were a man wandering the halls alone it would definitely try to have sex with you. I was not interested in learning firsthand how a female monster can force a man to have sex with her, but fortunately the woman had a suggestion: If I found myself set upon by it, I could go through this room that was basically an ‘airlock’ of double screen doors, and she would hold the door shut for me after I passed through. Presumably a supernatural creature that can easily overpower a man has great difficulty passing through the ricketiest old door in the place. Continue reading

basement slaughter


A calf being led down a narrow, winding staircase into a basement slaughterhouse, so that his mother would follow.

A boy, he was to be put on an assembly line, where he would be taken apart and converted into a stroggo, a cybernetic monster. I was on the assembly line myself and it was horrific, like being processed at a meat factory where instead of employees there are big hideous metallic creatures that want to rip you apart piece by piece. I can’t even describe it, but it was bleak and frightening and horrific. Continue reading