a hero in a world where the villains took over


I was a Batman-like superhero in a city perpetually shrouded in shadow (not pictured). It was a massive maze of buildings that extended seemingly infinitely in all directions, including up and down. I glided downwards through a section of the city (that seemed like a pit make of buildings going infinitely downwards but occasionally curving around in different directions) and reflected on how safe and sound the city was in spite of the darkness.

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mutant cyborg bully revenge


This dream had me drifting back and forth between sleep and semi-consciousness, so the lines between dream and daydream are blurred. Principally it was about me being a person in a highschool. My goal was to impress the girls, and I did this by challenging this bully (resembled a composite of two muscle-y jerks I went to HS with) to a fight one time when he picked on me. I did this at some sort of assembly/workshop thing and had shouted it across a crowded room at him, so everyone knew. There was some confusion over weather we’d fight right away or after school. It would be decided that after school made sense. (At this point he seemed to consider me an equal. The tone of our relationship changed entirely.) Continue reading

tidal waves, murderers and schoolboy detective agencies


I was part of a highschool student detective agency, which was sort of like a school club that met at lunch. We were working on a case together, but we didn’t keep files on everything, so it relied on their and my terrible memories.

There was a girl who could make herself a cyclopse, or grow an eye on her forehead.

I started writing down some case info on a chalk board to realize that I could not read what was written. It kept changing. I had to focus to make it spell anything, but as soon as I stopped it turned into an indistinct vagueness. This is when I realized I was dreaming. Continue reading

building an origami civilization in the rain forest


A pretty varied dream. A vary varied dream. Varily, a veriety. I was walking along with friends and suddenly was flying above it all, flying above the telephone lines. As I soared through the air I looked down to see endless fields in all direction, divided by an intermittent and inconsistent network of fences, lit by the setting sun. Often my unconscious has difficulty with scale in these sorts of situations, but the men I saw below appeared quite tiny, but scurried around at great speed. They were in grey uniforms with little caps that suggested to me somehow that they were Chinese, a sort of Chinese agricultural military. They were going to their living area at the end of the day of farming but appeared to move randomly, following each other in circles, getting confused, and the whole thing was a confused cluster with straight and curved lines of people moving off of it.

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when friends exterminate friends


I could fly. This is one of the few flight dreams that was straight up awesome through and through. I had a big, detailed city to fly through. It wasn’t the vague type of city that sometimes appears in my dreams, without any defining or memorable features. It also didn’t suffer from scale issues that sometimes crop up in dreams where I navigate large areas. I remember flying between high-rise buildings, seeing sunrise over the skyline, spotting graffiti, and generally enjoying my soaring adventures through a varied and interesting cityscape.

It wasn’t all sunshine and roses though. In this dream, my estranged friend/former roommate MH was trying to kill me. It was odd. He didn’t seem angry or hateful of me. He just thought I sucked and thought I should be destroyed. But he wasn’t particularly diligent about it either – he was content to let me float around this building he and his friends (and possibly his bandmates) were partying on the top floors of and get made fun of by he and they. They would say all kinds of things, like that I was shit and couldn’t do anything and no girl would ever love me and soforth. This might sound like it’s the dream of someone with low self esteem, but honestly while they were saying this stuff I kept thinking “well, that’s demonstrably untrue, so clearly these friends of his are dumb and have dumb opinions“.

To be honest I have no idea how he actually tried to kill me. I assume remotely through poison, but I don’t really know. His reasons are mysterious but I suspected they were related to his political philosophies and the fact that I had powers. (Maybe they were bad for the environment?) I felt safe enough hovering nearby and trying to defend myself somewhat and trying to convince him that I was alright (it bothered me that he had an opinion of me that apparently required him to try to kill me). MH was kinda a jerk, but not a mean-spirited one, so this whole thing seemed a little odd. A while back when I seriously pissed him off and hurt his feelings real bad, he never retaliated by being a dick or anything. So it was weird.

This part is insane and difficult for me to wrap my waking mind around: At one point I tried to convince him that I was ok because I thought up a new international passport standard. Instead of everyone having passports, I used my powers to teleport all passports into my possession, then sort them and then place them inside a single omni-passport that I then banished to another dimension. That passport could be referenced but never taken, because it didn’t exist.

Anyway, I would alternate between exploring the city and talking to him. One time when I was flying out over the city towards the sunset, I saw that giant skyscraper-sized Daleks were crawling across the city, decimating everything in their path, and converting all matter to armies of regular-sized Daleks that swarmed in legions beneath them.

I am not afraid of terrorists


Terrorists. I have never been afraid of the threat of terrorism, despite 9/11 and the massive amounts of scaremongering that transpired in the years that followed that event. In those days, I actually felt fairly strange from all the fear I observed in others that I just failed so utterly to comprehend or empathise with. All that said, in this dream I was afraid of terrorists, and I had information about a conspiracy of of them. I had been witness to a terrorist shooting at some sort of school event, but had escaped, and ran all night to the police station where I tried in vain to convince them that there was an even bigger event coming (any conversation starting with “Listen, I know you’re going to think I’m a crazy person, but just hear me out…” is not going to be fruitful). By this point I had forgotten what my information was and was super paranoid I’d be intercepted by terrorist agents in the street, so I avoided everyone.

My quest to find allies brought me to Hank Green, a geeky YouTube personality who’s videos I’ve watched. He seemed to have some official position and had a bunch of teenage nerds on his staff (probably based off the Nerdfighters, something I don’t really know much about but seems likely the inspiration) and I tried to convince him that there was a huge threat looming and he should use his resources to prevent it. The thing is, at this point I didn’t even remember anything so I had literally no way of convincing him. When he refused, I got angry, and smashed a metal paperweight flat with my bare hand. I expected this display of superhuman strength to impress him with my determination, and it did. But determination doesn’t prove you aren’t crazy.

ancient temple with spider guardian, and a strange act of pity


I was dungeon exploring. There was a hill that appeared to be the ruins of an ancient city. At the top was a well-preserved temple surrounded by orchards of trees. The top floor of the temple had no walls, but did have a ceiling, and was filled with all kinds of moving panels, rotating pillars, and all kinds of other stone contraptions. Some may have been traps or puzzles for the dungeon diver to figure out, but others seemed to serve no clear purpose, and may have simply served the temple’s religious functions (which makes a lot more sense than installing traps and puzzle rooms).

When I ventured deeper to the underground levels of the dungeon, I found a varied network of halls and rooms lit by torches. In one room there was a raised walkway that passed over a large door, with stairways leading down. I went down the stairway to find that the door was open and led to tunnel going even deeper, to the secret depths of the temple that I sought. It was guarded by a giant spider, a strange gleaming disc shaped one that was kinda beautiful (but also frightening). It began chasing me away from this entranceway, but I was smarter – I ran up the stairs, and then when it followed, I leapt down to the floor below and ran through the entrance that it had inadvertently abandoned.

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superheroes, tiny human parasites, and an owl-moth, also sex


dream green arrow wingsI was Green Arrow. I had learned – from reading a comic book actually – that Superman was unknowingly host to a civilization of tiny people who found a way of surviving in his body. I feel like they were probably Kryptonians (from Kandor?). So my sidekick – I don’t even remember who my sidekick was – is scaling the side of an apartment skyscraper and I remember thinking “what an idiotic way to get inside a building”. And really, it is. There’s plenty of ways you could sneak into a building that are a thousand times safer, or you could scale the building on the outside in plain view of the world and be easily spotted (including by someone inside the actual building). Plus, it would take for damn ever, and you’d be too tired for superhero business when you finally got to the right floor.

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a ghostly apparition, a mystery, treasure and teleportation


I had this dream while sleeping on the couch in my old college friend CC’s living room. It was a sort of sleep paralysis thing, where I thought I was awake in the living room. There was a figure that kept approaching me, or slowly receding away from me, down the hallway into the darkness. I think whatever it was took the form of a family member, a sister or my mother perhaps. It was a rather frightening ghostly apparition, and after a while I became aware that I was actually asleep, and began banging my foot on the floor repeatedly to wake myself up. When I did wake up I found my foot ached because I indeed had been controlling it in my sleep. Continue reading

awesome discount jetpack adventures and French Canadian crust punk clowns


I had a jetpack.

It was rad.

I was rocketing around the city, going from one place to another, just enjoying the commute in a way that for once did not involve reading a novel, oggling a pretty lady commuter, or playing a game on my cellphone. All those things are lame compared to the thrill of absolute freedom of movement (within three dimensions, at least). Continue reading