a traditional Space Italian wedding


At some kid’s house, watching cartoons with the kids before a big Thanksgiving-ish meal. The cartoon is about a hero of some kind who goes to another planet, a pock-marked thing of valleys and mountains with no atmosphere to speak of, searching for a base they had lost contact with under a black sky. So he’s in his space suit and he finds and rescues a child or three from the base that had presumably been overrun somehow. space doggieThis is all fine and good, but then it gets progressively more absurd.

The next thing I know he’s got a dog on this planet with him, and the dog has a space helmet but no space suit – the helmet is just this dome that seems sealed up to his skin on his neck, so the dog’s naked body is exposed to the pressure and temperature and suchlike of this planet. Dumb! Then he makes a second trip to the planet, and this time it’s full of creatures, all kinds of animals. The space outside the base is just teeming with life. There is also an indigenous population of intelligent humanoids, who strongly resemble Italian-Americans. This part pissed me off – it had been previously established that this place was cold and without atmosphere.

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tidal waves, murderers and schoolboy detective agencies


I was part of a highschool student detective agency, which was sort of like a school club that met at lunch. We were working on a case together, but we didn’t keep files on everything, so it relied on their and my terrible memories.

There was a girl who could make herself a cyclopse, or grow an eye on her forehead.

I started writing down some case info on a chalk board to realize that I could not read what was written. It kept changing. I had to focus to make it spell anything, but as soon as I stopped it turned into an indistinct vagueness. This is when I realized I was dreaming. Continue reading

irrelevant nonsense


I was reading a French rip-off of Calvin and Hobbes. Though derivative it was well written, and challenged the way the reader thought about possessions and other material things. Later I was at the movie theatre, waiting for the movie to load onscreen. A progress bar was projected on the screen indicating how far along the movie was in pre-caching, decompressing, downloading, spooling, whatever. Continue reading

society edge


Being in a city, not being sure if it was a miniature city or a macro city. Kinda post apocalyptic, self-contained. There was a sort of edge before the horizon. There was also an edge to the society, like people wanted to rebel against the engineers who ran it. It was a soft society but people who raised trouble were killed or disappeared. They weren’t really sure what the purpose of this society was. (This was written when half-awake and on further reflection, I have no idea what it means.)

I am not afraid of terrorists


Terrorists. I have never been afraid of the threat of terrorism, despite 9/11 and the massive amounts of scaremongering that transpired in the years that followed that event. In those days, I actually felt fairly strange from all the fear I observed in others that I just failed so utterly to comprehend or empathise with. All that said, in this dream I was afraid of terrorists, and I had information about a conspiracy of of them. I had been witness to a terrorist shooting at some sort of school event, but had escaped, and ran all night to the police station where I tried in vain to convince them that there was an even bigger event coming (any conversation starting with “Listen, I know you’re going to think I’m a crazy person, but just hear me out…” is not going to be fruitful). By this point I had forgotten what my information was and was super paranoid I’d be intercepted by terrorist agents in the street, so I avoided everyone.

My quest to find allies brought me to Hank Green, a geeky YouTube personality who’s videos I’ve watched. He seemed to have some official position and had a bunch of teenage nerds on his staff (probably based off the Nerdfighters, something I don’t really know much about but seems likely the inspiration) and I tried to convince him that there was a huge threat looming and he should use his resources to prevent it. The thing is, at this point I didn’t even remember anything so I had literally no way of convincing him. When he refused, I got angry, and smashed a metal paperweight flat with my bare hand. I expected this display of superhuman strength to impress him with my determination, and it did. But determination doesn’t prove you aren’t crazy.

psychological test game


My mother thought I was crazy, and I was subjected to a psychological testing tool. The tool was a game called ‘Second Life‘ (which is a real game I’ve never played and it weirds me out just conceptually) by ‘Gravity’ (a company name my my mind invented). There was a man in green involved in this dream, but I don’t recall his role.

savannah go home


I was in the African savannah, which was a bit like a cottage trip except you’d sometimes find a human corpse or see a guy who might be part of a militia that wants to kill you. None of the rest of it was comprehensible. I found some bones once.

donkey strategy


There was a new real time strategy game. I remember begin very impressed with it, because it had day and night and sound, it counted the sound you made somehow. We were fighting someone in this game. They drove a truck in and shot the place up. They kidnapped our horse or donkey, and the rest of the dream was about rescuing this creature. We were worried they’d turn him to meat.

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Shaolin monk and some Chinese weirdos trying to steal all my grass


A Shaolin monk looking guy shows up at the door in ratty clothes with what seemed to be a family of Chinese weirdos. These guys kept trying to communicate nonverbally what they wanted, which was apparently the grass in the front yard. So I said fine, you can have the grass, and started leading them down when one of them needed to use the washroom. He ran down the hall to use it and I got worried he’d be stealing stuff, but it was just the washroom so whatever.

Anyway, we go downstairs and out front and they start pulling up the grass. I start worrying that our landlady NK will get pissed off. I sort of let them pick it all anyway.

Next I’m in a bus on a field trip to a summer park. Among the students are a friend of mine from T-school (an international private school I went to), JB and his sister CB. Haven’t thought of them for years.

My voice recorder contains an account of “being rendered like cartoon characters, Archie meets Scott Pilgrim”, of which I have no recollection.