a hero in a world where the villains took over


I was a Batman-like superhero in a city perpetually shrouded in shadow (not pictured). It was a massive maze of buildings that extended seemingly infinitely in all directions, including up and down. I glided downwards through a section of the city (that seemed like a pit make of buildings going infinitely downwards but occasionally curving around in different directions) and reflected on how safe and sound the city was in spite of the darkness.

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Fire spitting drones, undead robbers and secret passages


The zombie apocalypse was in full swing. I was a character in a sitcom and the rest of the cast of characters and I were coworkers trying to escape our workplace, which was some sort of walled compound filled with construction equipment, trucks and things, and some small storage silos. We wanted to make it from one end of the compound to the other, into a fenced in area, and up a tall tower of some kind.

One of our number, who slightly resembled a more ethnic version of Carla from Cheers, became zombified, but oddly did not behave fully zombie-like. She stumbled around as if drunk, but held beers or something in her hands and seemed to occasionally try to drink them. This confused the other zombies who would move towards her as if to attack and then lose interest when they got closer. She herself seemed to have little interest in eating us. Continue reading

a traditional Space Italian wedding


At some kid’s house, watching cartoons with the kids before a big Thanksgiving-ish meal. The cartoon is about a hero of some kind who goes to another planet, a pock-marked thing of valleys and mountains with no atmosphere to speak of, searching for a base they had lost contact with under a black sky. So he’s in his space suit and he finds and rescues a child or three from the base that had presumably been overrun somehow. space doggieThis is all fine and good, but then it gets progressively more absurd.

The next thing I know he’s got a dog on this planet with him, and the dog has a space helmet but no space suit – the helmet is just this dome that seems sealed up to his skin on his neck, so the dog’s naked body is exposed to the pressure and temperature and suchlike of this planet. Dumb! Then he makes a second trip to the planet, and this time it’s full of creatures, all kinds of animals. The space outside the base is just teeming with life. There is also an indigenous population of intelligent humanoids, who strongly resemble Italian-Americans. This part pissed me off – it had been previously established that this place was cold and without atmosphere.

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a board game for (d)orcs


Sleeping OrcI had a dream where there was something in our culture existed that everyone else loved but I hated. It was a combination of World of Warcraft, Game of Thrones and Settles of Catan – some sort of fantasy thing that at any given time seemed to be a different kind of media. I remember I hated it so intensely that it made me perpetually angry. Everything that reminded me of it sent me into a miserable rage. I wanted so much to destroy it, to diminish it in people’s eyes, because it made me an outcast in a way that I could not comprehend. Continue reading

being Japanese, catching a serial killer


I was a teenager going to a Japanese highschool. Aside from being populated by Japanese people, and being vaguely foreign, it wasn’t much different from American highschools.

One of our assignments was in game design. It had been assigned by what I believe was a French teacher, so I didn’t expect that the game I made had to be any good. I was expected to make a game in HTML5, but since I didn’t know how to do that and left it to the last minute, I instead plotted to use the teacher’s naivete to use some pre-made template game, customize it with graphics, and then hand it in. Continue reading

mutant cyborg bully revenge


This dream had me drifting back and forth between sleep and semi-consciousness, so the lines between dream and daydream are blurred. Principally it was about me being a person in a highschool. My goal was to impress the girls, and I did this by challenging this bully (resembled a composite of two muscle-y jerks I went to HS with) to a fight one time when he picked on me. I did this at some sort of assembly/workshop thing and had shouted it across a crowded room at him, so everyone knew. There was some confusion over weather we’d fight right away or after school. It would be decided that after school made sense. (At this point he seemed to consider me an equal. The tone of our relationship changed entirely.) Continue reading

undercover resistance agent in a theocracy


This one is a long one, and difficult to put together chronologically. Basically I was both watching and living inside a Tintin movie. Oddly Tintin wasn’t much of a character. I was in a group of four – there was a young boy, me (a teenager), and two adults. We were on a mission and were also on the run. We had been enslaved or imprisoned by some sort of government or organization.

I remember escaping enslavement and impersonating staff within the organization. I did a variety of jobs, including waitstaff and mining. As a miner I was thought of as ‘the new guy’ and so was shown how to do different things, making the facade easier. Continue reading

nuclear vampire apocalypse


I was in some research facility underground. It seemed to be both military (lots of security) and university (lots of students). The lights flickered out at some point. Creatures that fed on human blood (which I never actually saw) had escaped their holding tanks and were pursuing. There was just a mass panic of screaming and crowds rushing in all directions.  Continue reading