a traditional Space Italian wedding


At some kid’s house, watching cartoons with the kids before a big Thanksgiving-ish meal. The cartoon is about a hero of some kind who goes to another planet, a pock-marked thing of valleys and mountains with no atmosphere to speak of, searching for a base they had lost contact with under a black sky. So he’s in his space suit and he finds and rescues a child or three from the base that had presumably been overrun somehow. space doggieThis is all fine and good, but then it gets progressively more absurd.

The next thing I know he’s got a dog on this planet with him, and the dog has a space helmet but no space suit – the helmet is just this dome that seems sealed up to his skin on his neck, so the dog’s naked body is exposed to the pressure and temperature and suchlike of this planet. Dumb! Then he makes a second trip to the planet, and this time it’s full of creatures, all kinds of animals. The space outside the base is just teeming with life. There is also an indigenous population of intelligent humanoids, who strongly resemble Italian-Americans. This part pissed me off – it had been previously established that this place was cold and without atmosphere.

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building an origami civilization in the rain forest


A pretty varied dream. A vary varied dream. Varily, a veriety. I was walking along with friends and suddenly was flying above it all, flying above the telephone lines. As I soared through the air I looked down to see endless fields in all direction, divided by an intermittent and inconsistent network of fences, lit by the setting sun. Often my unconscious has difficulty with scale in these sorts of situations, but the men I saw below appeared quite tiny, but scurried around at great speed. They were in grey uniforms with little caps that suggested to me somehow that they were Chinese, a sort of Chinese agricultural military. They were going to their living area at the end of the day of farming but appeared to move randomly, following each other in circles, getting confused, and the whole thing was a confused cluster with straight and curved lines of people moving off of it.

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irrelevant nonsense


I was reading a French rip-off of Calvin and Hobbes. Though derivative it was well written, and challenged the way the reader thought about possessions and other material things. Later I was at the movie theatre, waiting for the movie to load onscreen. A progress bar was projected on the screen indicating how far along the movie was in pre-caching, decompressing, downloading, spooling, whatever. Continue reading

strange floating animal


I was on some sort of futuristic military base in the desert, possibly on another planet. There was a strange floating creature that look vaguely animal, and seemed either benign or at the very least totally uninterested. The animal had head protrusions and ball-point leg protrusions.

(Pre-fanciness version of above animation follows in full post, if you’re interested.)

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superheroes, tiny human parasites, and an owl-moth, also sex


dream green arrow wingsI was Green Arrow. I had learned – from reading a comic book actually – that Superman was unknowingly host to a civilization of tiny people who found a way of surviving in his body. I feel like they were probably Kryptonians (from Kandor?). So my sidekick – I don’t even remember who my sidekick was – is scaling the side of an apartment skyscraper and I remember thinking “what an idiotic way to get inside a building”. And really, it is. There’s plenty of ways you could sneak into a building that are a thousand times safer, or you could scale the building on the outside in plain view of the world and be easily spotted (including by someone inside the actual building). Plus, it would take for damn ever, and you’d be too tired for superhero business when you finally got to the right floor.

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giants having giant orgies after they feast on humanity


My sister N was keeping a raccoon at a hotel our family was staying at. We were on some sort of resort thing where my parents had pre-established elderly friends. Anyway everyone seemed ok with the raccoon but me. I kept telling my family that it would bite us in our sleep and give us the rabies. Kept insisting that it had rabies. My sister had set it up a little room inside this massive oven that was in one of the rooms of the hotel suite. He even had little furniture and things. There was a frozen turkey inside the oven that we were just starting there, and she didn’t seem bothered that he kept trying to eat it. No, he won’t eat it, don’t be silly, that sort of thing. My mother was totally unconcerned, saying she had to spend enough time preparing food for the family that she didn’t have any left over for caring about whether or not a raccoon is something to be concerned about. Continue reading

flight in darkness ended by geometry lava bomb


I was part of a post-alien invasion society. It was a sort of authoritarian village system run on the inside of a highschool in the middle of the country. I don’t think we were even allowed outside. Village gathering places were the gymnasium, cafeteria, assembly hall etc. The alien masters were never seen but gave orders through the class of human collaborators that oversaw the village and ensured productivity and adherence to rules; they were either thugs or insufferable bossy control freaks (one reminded me of the girl in charge of yearbook I had the misfortune of working with at T-School). All the villagers had a job to do, sometimes several, but instructions could come from the top at any time changing this or giving special assignments. Continue reading

when the end comes


I was a teenager, staying in this massive mansion in the middle of the woods. It was based on my friend SD’s parent’s house but was quite a bit more mansiony. The people I was staying there with were all teenage punks. I got the distinct impression that there were no adults, that we were sort of squatting at this luxurious place, and it had a sort of Lost Boys (and Girls) feel. I also got the impression that something had happened in the outside world and while we were having fun at this punk mansion, we were also there as refugees from a world that we could not return to. Continue reading

rebels escape, contact with religious homeworld


The following dream also involved me as a military action type guy on an adventure on a space ship or space station or space base.  I was shooting at henchmen in black metallic armor and bit pointy helmets and then taking their rayguns and using those.  I was rescuing, escorting a group of prisoners.  Giving them guns.

We came across a room full of machine turrets and I started throwing grenades at them.  The grenades kept overshooting, or bouncing off of them and exploding too far away.  Wouldn’t you know, it ended up none of the turrets were even activated. Continue reading