declaration of space independence from the corporation


Some sort of impending science fictiony disaster was going to affect a small town and it’s surroundings. I’m thinking lightning-rimmed dimensional gates opening and swallowing up chunks of it, stranding them in space or somewhere else they should not be and cannot exist. I remember observing this phenomenon from the cockpit of a flying vehicle, soaring through skyscrapers of machinery under a purple-red-yellow sky, and being repeatedly denied clearance to land.

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rat and baby


In one night I had two dreams back to back that were remarkably similar thematically – they both feature the recurring theme that I’ve had since childhood of having to care for a small, weak creature (baby, cats, some other strange creature) and it often being on the verge of death or beset by all kinds of dangers and my struggling madly to keep it alive and safe. There is a real sense of urgency and it is usually really sad and stressful. Continue reading

a new health food product made from paper


Dr. KJ (owner of C-company, from which I was recently laid off) was renting the ground floor of a building, a sort of office building perhaps. He had the entire thing made up to be a library, with extremely tall bookshelves filled every last one of them with copies of the same book. It was not exactly a book per se. It was a sort of binder that took the form of a hardcover book, and inside were pockets containing three or so smaller books of different sizes, and maybe one of those was actually an audio casette. Continue reading

giants having giant orgies after they feast on humanity


My sister N was keeping a raccoon at a hotel our family was staying at. We were on some sort of resort thing where my parents had pre-established elderly friends. Anyway everyone seemed ok with the raccoon but me. I kept telling my family that it would bite us in our sleep and give us the rabies. Kept insisting that it had rabies. My sister had set it up a little room inside this massive oven that was in one of the rooms of the hotel suite. He even had little furniture and things. There was a frozen turkey inside the oven that we were just starting there, and she didn’t seem bothered that he kept trying to eat it. No, he won’t eat it, don’t be silly, that sort of thing. My mother was totally unconcerned, saying she had to spend enough time preparing food for the family that she didn’t have any left over for caring about whether or not a raccoon is something to be concerned about. Continue reading

horrific horny hags, government coverups (literally), a slave rebellion on a dystopic offshore oil rig based micronation, and human-cookie transmutation

hag what wants to rape me

I was on a field trip with a class. I feel like we were probably in elementary school, at the boarding school I used to attend in England. It was in the middle of the night, and we were traversing a labyrinth of urban decay before arriving at a sort of mansion hotel surrounded by a sort of ravine. This is where we were staying. On the way, we encountered a frightening hag-like creature, suggestive of an old lady but clearly neither human nor genuinely alive. After giving us a scare, she was nowhere to be seen. We asked the woman who ran the mansion hotel about this creature. She confirmed that the thing came into the hotel all the time, and that it wasn’t very strong, but if you were a man wandering the halls alone it would definitely try to have sex with you. I was not interested in learning firsthand how a female monster can force a man to have sex with her, but fortunately the woman had a suggestion: If I found myself set upon by it, I could go through this room that was basically an ‘airlock’ of double screen doors, and she would hold the door shut for me after I passed through. Presumably a supernatural creature that can easily overpower a man has great difficulty passing through the ricketiest old door in the place. Continue reading

flight in darkness ended by geometry lava bomb


I was part of a post-alien invasion society. It was a sort of authoritarian village system run on the inside of a highschool in the middle of the country. I don’t think we were even allowed outside. Village gathering places were the gymnasium, cafeteria, assembly hall etc. The alien masters were never seen but gave orders through the class of human collaborators that oversaw the village and ensured productivity and adherence to rules; they were either thugs or insufferable bossy control freaks (one reminded me of the girl in charge of yearbook I had the misfortune of working with at T-School). All the villagers had a job to do, sometimes several, but instructions could come from the top at any time changing this or giving special assignments. Continue reading

basement slaughter


A calf being led down a narrow, winding staircase into a basement slaughterhouse, so that his mother would follow.

A boy, he was to be put on an assembly line, where he would be taken apart and converted into a stroggo, a cybernetic monster. I was on the assembly line myself and it was horrific, like being processed at a meat factory where instead of employees there are big hideous metallic creatures that want to rip you apart piece by piece. I can’t even describe it, but it was bleak and frightening and horrific. Continue reading

how not to home renovate


I had a dream the other night that I moved the toilet into my room. I had a reason but it escapes me. There was a party or some sort of festival going on inside our apartment, which had the feel of a place we just moved in. Anyway I took a dump in it and flushed it, and my worries about it overflowing ended up being completely unfounded… for the first flush. Then it overflowed on its own, and the entire dream was a struggle to sort the water out and protect my things as the room began to flood with all kinds of gross things on the solid-to-liquid spectrum. Of particular concern was when this foul stuff began touching my various power bars and sparks were shooting everywhere. The only thing worse than wading through a torrent of human waste is wading through an electrified torrent of human waste. Plus electricity + organic matter, I dunno somehow I think a gross golem or homunculus is going to come out of that.

It’s worth pointing out that I do actually have experience installing a toilet. A roommate of mine, N, once chose to flush the cap of a shaving cream bottle down the toilet rather than reach into the bowl to retrieve it. His solution to the inevitable clogging was to throw out the toilet and install a new one. Would it surprise you to learn that he’s actually an intelligent and practical person? Because he somehow is, in spite of highlights of his life like this.

Christmas special live from the floating theocracy of tomorrow

floating theocracy

The future was a floating theocracy. The ground below was forgotten, and all of humanity was led by televangelists on a floating continent. I watched their Christmas broadcast, which was a mix of celebrity Christmas special and official government address to the nation. Plus, like, propaganda. So these televangelists were eating Christmas dinner at a table that was obviously filmed in front of a live studio audience, and they only sat on one side, either to reference the Last Supper painting or just for the convenience of the audience being able to see everyone’s faces from a small number of video cameras. Continue reading



I had a dream that I was in bed at my old house in England, and that I rolled over and looked at the floor to spot a transparent spider crawling across the floor. It had roughly the shape and the size of a bottlecap, and I was able to spot it at first as a rippling of the beige carpet beneath it. I soon noticed that there were other such spiders nearby, and that they were moving in the same direction at the same speed – spiders traveling together, something I had never seen before. This should have been worrying but mostly I just found them interesting. Continue reading